Areola Pigmentation Course

This therapy, on the other hand, has a significantly higher value for cancer patients. For them, colouring areola is more than just a cosmetic therapy; it is one of the final phases in the healing process and has a significant psychological impact on women’s ability to feel good again.

What is Phi Areola training?

Phi Areola training is a special education for all students to know more about the technique of permanent colouring of the areola. Students who pass the Phi Areola course are likely to work with customers who:

  • Suffering from breast cancer and had surgery for removing Areola
  • Want to change the look of their breasts
  • Want to change the colour of the areola area
  • Want symmetrical and round shape for nipples

Important Note: PhiAoreola training does not require any prior experience. The training is designed for both novices and people with prior experience working with permanent make-up. It is good to know that PhiAreola allows students to broaden their knowledge in the field of medicine.

What is Phi Areola? There are several reasons why women choose to treat areola pigmentation, ranging from oncological to cosmetic. This therapy, on the other hand, has a significantly higher value for cancer patients. For them, colouring areola is more than just a cosmetic therapy; it is one of the final phases in the healing process and has a significant psychological impact on women’s ability to feel good again. After mastectomy surgery, most surgeons and oncologists propose utilising permanent make-up instead of nipple restoration. It is more accurate and so much easier than cosmetic surgeries. This is because permanent make-up is less intrusive than reconstruction and the total therapy is less traumatic for patients in the recovery period. PhiAreola is a technique for drawing the areola and nipple together through a mixture of shadow and light contrast to generate a 3D illusion and make the areola surrounding the nipple look more realistic because after the mastectomy surgery nipple has a different shape. Sometimes Phi Areola uses for cosmetic purposes. The goal of PhiAreola therapy is to help the patient adjust to the new form, size and texture of nipples. Scars from past breast operations are also removed with Phi Areola treatment in AbbeyLuxe.

Benefits of becoming a trained PhiAreola Artist

PhiAreola is a one-of-a-kind skill that is rare in the beauty world because so many people don’t know about this treatment and they are unaware of its benefits of PhiAerola. It is an essential cosmetic service which can help people who are self-conscious about their nipple appearance to feel more secure.

The main advantages of becoming a skilled PhiAreola artist:

  • The Phi Areola certificate is worldwide, and you can use it anywhere in every country. You will receive a diploma from the greatest permanent cosmetics academy in the world if you complete the Phi Areola Training course.
  • Phi Areola method is easy to learn. Actually, it is not as difficult to learn as it seems at first. The difficulty of this cosmetic procedure is determined by a variety of factors. It is less difficult when the instructor is well-trained, properly trained, and experienced. This allows her to guide you through the simplest approaches to of mastery Phi Areola. Another consideration is your eagerness to learn and drive to become a certified Phi Areola artist with the goal of assisting people in need.
  • So many job opportunities. Many customers all around the world are seeking this type of service, making it a high-demanding skill with a high annual salary. Learning from a certified Phi Areola Master provides you with the necessary that is needed by customers.
  • These courses are suitable for everyone in the shortest time. People who were previously tattoo artists can also participate in the course as a way to boost their business and increase their reach. The time necessary to complete the course is reasonable. You will be able to begin working immediately following the training.

Why Phi Areola treatment is a good skill to learn? The Phi Areola method is unique in that it was developed as a solution rather than a technique by experts in the permanent cosmetics business. It was a revolution to liberate people from painful operations, making it simple and inexpensive for everyone to feel good about their bodies for a wonderful change. It is a method that allows breast cancer sufferers to feel more natural again. This method can reinforce your self-esteem, boosting your confidence in a short amount of time. Who are the best candidates for Phi Areola?
  • Patients who lose areola after mastectomy surgery
  • Patient who lost areola after cosmetic surgery (Lipomatic surgery, Breast implant and so on)
  • Nipple pigmentation after reconstruction
  • Want to change or improve the appearance of the nipple
How long does the Phi Areola training workshop last? Phi Areola training begins with the one-day live training that consists of two theoretical and technical parts:
  • Theoretical part: This is the part that your master teaches you about How to prepare the client, and what the Phi Areola course entails. Some tips and special courses about hygiene during the treatment and colour theory to learn what type of colour matches your client’s skin. After that, they teach you some theory on surgical procedures that customers go through prior to arrival and suitable post-treatment care which is essential.
  • Technical part: practising on a human being with supervision.
What will you learn in Phi Areola training courses? The PhiAreola training course will teach you all you need to know about this specific cosmetic treatment. Here’s a taste of what you’ll study in this course:
  • Introduction – You will learn what PhiAreola stands for, how it began, its significance, advantages, and anything else you need to know.
  • Hygiene– Because you will be interacting with people’s bodies, appropriate cleanliness and hygiene routine are vital when it comes to permanent makeup. it must be performed to avoid spreading illnesses.
NOTE: covid-19 had an impact on this field too, so according to restrictions all hygiene protocols should be considered.
  • Dermatology– Dermatology is a field of medicine that deals with the skin and diseases related to skin. You also will be taught keywords related to the cosmetic process.
  • Dealing with Scars– After surgery and mastectomy, scars will appear. PhiAreola is a delicate therapy designed for those who have lost part or all of their nipple area. You will be educated about the procedures involved in breast surgery so that you may relate to the patients you work with.
  • different tools you have to use during the treatment
  • Colouring and mixing methods
  • Preparation, Aftercare and touch-up treatment tips
  • Watching on a live model
How long does Phi Areola Online training last? The only difference with online training is that there will be no workshop or in-person component, and everything will be done online and through the craft master platform from the start. Students will be instructed by a licensed master PhiAreola teacher throughout the one-day live session. You will be trained on both theoretical and practical elements throughout the live training. This is followed by a 6-month online instruction using the Craft Master Application under master’s professional supervision. Bahareh Abbey is the UK Phi Areola Master from Phi Academy. The Phi Areola online class will teach you about the finishing touches of breast reconstruction. Areola 3D Tattooing is a semi-permanent nipple tattooing method in which you will learn how to use needles to insert pigments under the skin to create a three-dimensional areola and nipple utilizing light and shadow. Your session will conclude with you working on latex and practising the method on live models. With 6 months of help from Bahareh Abbey, you will be placed into the Phi Academy craft master app for your personalized study plan. After completing this course, your name will be added to the Phi Academy’s World map as a phi Areola expert Artist.

What will happen after completing Phi Areola Training?

Both the academic and practical parts of the training Areola Reconstruction are carried out under the supervision of the Phi Areola Master, who is on hand to answer students’ questions and give necessary assistance and advice. The one-day live course aims to teach participants how to exercise effectively through clearly defined tasks.

Following the live training, participants will have access to Educational applications such as Craftmaster online learning site, where all enrolled students will get online education on PhiAreola therapy. Participants must complete all technical courses on the online platform within 6 months, with full assistance from the Master.

All participants receive a certificate of attendance after completing a one-day live training, and only after completing the tasks in the Craft Master application do they receive a Phi Areola Artist certificate as well as their place on the map of Artists or Specialists within the official Phi Academy website.

Why Phi Areola 3D Tattoo Online Training is the best choice for you?

One of the biggest advantages of online courses is that you can learn from your home anytime YOU wanted! This workshop is suited for both international and UK students. After completing all of the levels in craft master, you will be awarded your phi academy diploma and you can easily find a job with the certification.

Participants must complete all technical courses on the online platform within 6 months, with full help from Master Bahareh Abbey.

What is inside the Phi Areola starter kit?

All Students of Phi Areola in AbbeyLuxe are given the proper Starter Kit, which includes all of the equipment and materials needed to practice and work successfully in the future.

  • Light brown/ Warm brown areola / Skin / white/ Red areola pigment
  • Phi-thinner
  • Phi areola circle measure stencil and measuring tape
  • Latex and surgical marker pen
  • Aftercare balm
  • Nail Polish and wipe block

Phi Academy Roadmap for every beginner

We know that if the content is broken into little sections that are presented independently, you can learn everything. So because of that, Phi Academy designed our studies in different sections to save our valuable time while also providing maximum surveillance and the greatest accessible information.

Different titles can be granted during the process of certification

  • Artist: anyone who has previously been a PhiAreola Student and successfully completed Craft Master application training
  • Royal artist: Anyone who has been an artist for at least 6 months, is active on social networks and organizations, and whose works have been acknowledged by several Craft Masters is eligible to become a Royal artist.
  • Master Assistant: anybody who is an active and experienced Royal artist who helps Craft Masters with their trainings and is compensated in accordance with the Royal artist
  •  Master : who has to teach and guide students to achieve their goal.

Phi Areola FAQs: Who is eligible to attend Phi Areola Online training sessions? We do not have a specific list of who is eligible to attend the course. Everyone, regardless of age, group, or gender, is invited to enrol in the course. You are ready to go as long as you are eager to learn. How can I learn 3D tattoos with online courses? We provide students with the opportunity to study and practice using a special program, which was developed by Phi Academy for professional online training courses. You will get practice materials in the form of videos or lectures or PowerPoints and graphics, as well as the chance to directly contact your Master and receive limitless support and comments on your daily successes. Is the kit included in the course price? As we mentioned before, each student who attends PhiAreola training courses is given a training kit with all the required pieces. To get you started, we will mail your kit to your specified address. The gear supplied will be sufficient for the whole training term as well as 20 extra customers. Is the tattoo machine included in the cost of the training course? The tattoo machine is not included in the training course fee. The machine is not also included in the box of the starter kit; you must bring your own machine for permanent make-up treatments. If you want to be a Phi Areola expert, it is necessary to buy a machine separately.

what’s inside of Starter kit?

All Students receive the appropriate Starter Kit, which contains all the necessary tools and products that allow Students to successfully practice and work in the future.

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